Friday, March 16, 2012

Back Home...

We are back home and enjoying the break. We head back to duke on Monday to draw blood for the next study in hopes there is some graft there. I have been off all immunosuppressants for over 10 days now. If not, we are ready to start again! The results should be in the 26th of this month...

We have used our grill a ton and spent lots of time with the dogs. I've been able to work some but get tired pretty easy. (as to be expected) Otherwise, just taking it easy and enjoying the break. Forgot how nice HOME was!

Thanks for all the prayers, thoughts, cards, text end emails...

Go Heels!


  1. No offense, but Go Pack!!!!

  2. The Ellison family keeps you and your family in our prayers. We are friends with John and Eliza. We are Catholic, so our daughter, Bella is learning what a "hail mary" is...which is full of grace...that grace we pray for you and your family as you all go through the second procedure. Bella has a list of special people she prays for every night, which your name has been added..she feels quite honored to pray for Ail's uncle Burns! I can't tell where Ali gets her wonderful personality from? She is such a mixture of John and Eliza!
    Our 20 year old son is a sophomore at UNC, so go Heels! Woo!Woo!

    Cord, Melissa, and Bella
