Saturday, August 18, 2012

DOT +131

Life is good! Laura and I are back in the swing of things. I am back to work full time and feeling really good. I still get tired after a long day, but it really is not that bad. I have been surprised how fast things recovered to this point. Seeing my labs next week will be exciting and I hope things have improved on that end.

We are heading out to the golf tournament today to see some golf. Since I cannot play yet, might as well watch it! Not sure when I can play again, but I hope shortly after labor day.

It has been great seeing everyone. The word sure has spread in Greensboro and the welcome from everyone back has been a humbling experience. Some people I never thought would know, have said something to me. All the prayers and support got us to today.

I really want to get off these medicines so I can get to an official discharge. That day will be when I can fully celebrate! And celebrate we will....

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you Burns (and family). It's been a long journey I'm sure....but the end to it all is very near and life can truly begin. You are so blessed to have so many wonderful and supportive friends and family on your side. It must be a testimony of being good to others. It has been wonderful to see you testify at how wonderful God has been to you, and I couldn't agree more.

    Continue to stay strong and positive. Tell your parents hello for me.

    Gail Tindall
    (former Accting. Dept)
