Tuesday, May 29, 2012

DOT +49

Sorry for the lack of post but things have been busy. I'll try my best to catch everyone up from what's happen the last week.

For several days in a row my liver function studies started to rise. The docs decided to do an ultrasound last Thursday and it showed some blockage in one of my ducts around my liver and gallbladder. It could have been a stone or just some sludge. (Laura said I was trying to copy her and get gallstones...haha)

So on Friday morning we get to the clinic and they have a scope scheduled that day to go down and try and look to see what is blocking it and also grab it if they could. BUT, for once in my life, I did something medically on my own and passed whatever it was. Friday morning my liver function studies were all much better. So they canceled the scope and did an MRI. (I hate those things!). The MRI went well and it was all normal. So nothing further needed.

Monday we showed up to the clinic and we find out I have a virus, this one is called hhv6. A lot of people have it in tiny amounts that stay dormant, but when you are immunosuppressed like I am, it can multiply and become a problem. With that, they started me on an anti-viral medicine.

A few hours after my first dose of the medicine I started to get chills and spiked a fever. So Laura and I headed into the hospital and I got a dose of iv meds, blood cultures, and was monitored for a while. I started to feel terrible so they kept me overnight for observation.

This morning my counts did not look great. We expected some of this because the anti-viral medicine can cause your counts to dive. But my potassium started to get high (6.0) and my kidney function studies again went high. I just met with the kidney doctors and it looks like my kidneys are not disposing of potassium like they should. They are giving me some bicarbonate to help bring the ph back to balance in my blood. The kidney docs are coming back so they might have more suggestions. Potassium getting high in your blood can be dangerous, so I am glad they have acted so fast. I feel confident it will be back down soon.

So I will be in the hospital for at least tonight, maybe more. I think some Infectious Disease doctors are coming soon just to make sure the fever last night was not from a bacterial infection or anything like that.

Today is dads birthday and he was great to come up this morning and spend some time and bring me breakfast. Happy Birthday Dad!

Believe it or not, I look pretty good considering all of the above. The only time I felt real bad was during the high fever. Now if this virus can go away and my kidneys can start doing what they should, then we can go back to just worrying about my spleen.

Thanks for all that follow the blog!!! This will all pass soon and we will be back in Greensboro!


  1. Dear Burns, I keep up with your blog on a daily basis - I am glad you are under such great care with the Duke docs - it sounds like they are watching over you very closely. Hurry up and feel better so we can take you and Laura out on the town for some good Durham food! Your are certainly an inspiration to many people! Take care, Joan Austin

  2. Burns,
    I have been think about you and your family. Please know that you guys and the Dr.'s are in my daily thoughts and prayers.

  3. Burns, I see your birthday is June 1st. Happy Birthday.

  4. Burns, I remember that you and my mom share the same b'ady---this FRIDAY! I hope you get good results by the end of the week--what an awesome present that would be!! Happy, happy, fellow Gemini :) Adair

  5. Hi Burns,

    I have been following your journey. I'm glad things are looking up. I know you are in good care. Looking forward to seeing you back in Greensboro.

    Happy Birthday!!

    Diana Borgstrom
