Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Home Stretch

How you found the courage to go through all this twice is beyond me.  I’m going to email Webster's and tell them to put a picture of you next to their definition of PERSEVERANCE.  You and Laura have been through HELL and you both deserved every bit of the good news you got Friday night.  There hasn't been a minute since January where I haven't thought about how you are doing and this won't change until the day you turn in your keys to the apartment in Durham.

Keep hanging in there.  You'll be home soon.  We have lots to do.  

I would have given you my last stem cell if they would of let me.  

Your Brother


  1. Love the Blackwell Brothers!!! You two are incredible. I know Derry and Hardin are proud of both of you!!!!! What a gift of love :)

  2. Oooh, you made my heart smile. So nice to see true, pure love.

  3. Amen! Blessings to all The Blackwell's - You all will continue to be in my prayers - Take care of each other!!!

  4. This is the best news I ve heard all year.
