Wednesday, May 2, 2012

DOT +22

Today I finally got a central line and that is a big help going thru all this. It allows them to draw blood and speed up a lot of these strong antibiotics. Also, it is easier to manage at home.

My fevers are still around but all very low below 100.5. Some Tylenol and I start to feel better. Again, they think and hope they are coming from the graft coming in.

My appetite is up and down but we are trying hard to keep eating. I know when I eat I feel better, but sometimes it's easier said than done. Laura has been perfect with giving me a little push to eat but not too much. I bet she had no idea she would know so much about all this stuff! And she does!

I am still on 2 strong iv antibiotics that they would like to stop but first want to see if there is any graft cells. (johns cells) the graft cells would help fight infections.

So they have taken some blood and we are not real sure when those results will be back. Maybe Friday or first part of next week. They did 2 different types of test, one was the regular graft study, and the other is one special for my illness.

Otherwise we are hanging in there! My counts are doing as expected and we just pray and hope the graft still is working hard!!

Thanks for all the prayers, thoughts, cards, and encouragement!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Burns, Laura and families! That is news worth celebrating!
    Melanie Rodenbough
