Wednesday, July 18, 2012

DOT +100...Headed HOME!!!

Today we got the final ok to head back home tomorrow and start commuting twice a week for clinic visits! It's the best news ever. Laura and I were overcome with joy when we heard this and I don't fully think it has sunk in yet.

All my labs have been doing well with one transfusion that I had Sunday that has really stuck with me. So that shows I can start to spread my clinic visits out. My WBC is still really high and holding strong.

Going back is going to be the best feeling ever! We get to see our dogs again and just enjoy the comforts of our own home! We can't wait to catch up with our friends and everyone back in Greensboro. I still have some recovering and energy building to do, but there is no better place than home for that.

We will continue to say thanks to everyone for all their support thru these past 7 months! There is no way we could have ever kept our spirits as high and fought as hard without everyone. It's hard to believe now that I have John's immune system that is healthy and has working white cells.

God is Good!


  1. I've been waiting 7 months to read this blog post. You did it man! Proud to be your brother. Enjoy your reward, you and Laura deserve every bit of it.


  2. Burns....WOW. I am at work and you have brought me to tears. Tears of joy for you and your family! I can not even begin to imagine how you feel at this moment! How awesome is God?

    John.....what an amazing and wonderful gift you were able to give to your brother!!

    Hardin and fulfilling and rewarding this must be for you both!

    Congrats to everyone......and to God be the Glory!

    Gail Tindall

  3. Burns, your so right God is Good! There have been so many prayers sent up on your behalf as well as your lovely family! Even prayers aa far away as Parras, Mexico. You literally held on to that emtional roller coaster from the beginning and never let go until it stopped. I am so happy for you & Laura and your entire family! The bond that you and John share is like no other, and that was instilled in you both from the wonderful parents that you have. There are many tears of joy being shed today for the wonderful news.

    God Bless and keep you safe!

    Sandy Wyrick

  4. Burns and Laura...I am so happy for you!! I don't even have words to describe how great this news is...but you already know! I am so happy for you and wish you the very best homecoming EVER!!
    Love to you both! Tracy Hall

    Kathryn & Bobby

  6. Fill 'er up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more gas cards required!!!!!!!!!!!

    Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love, Ross

  7. Lex and Cathy say "Prayers are answered!"

  8. Burns and Laura- God is good indeed!

    What a journey you've been on and so happy for you that all has turned out well.

    Can't wait till you start playing golf again to see how much further you hit it now that you have some of John's stuff in you.

    All kidding aside, so very happy for you.

    God Bless you and your entire family,
    Bobby Foster

  9. Lloyd and Jane PetersonJuly 18, 2012 at 9:55 PM

    Burns and Laura,
    A long awaited HALLELUJAH!!!!! That is such great news...your good counts, etc. and going home! Enjoy! You can watch the British Open in your own living room!
    Lloyd and Jane Peterson

  10. We are SO happy for y'all!

  11. Had no idea that this was going on...saw a connection through happy for all & such great news....

  12. Great news, Burns and Laura. Sorry we never got to share a meal with you but much better to be going home!! I hope we get to see you next time we are in Greensboro. Have a great life!!!! XOXO Joan

  13. WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!
    I am so happy and thankful you guys are headed for home. You have truly been blessed, and the best is yet to come.
    Donna Phillips

  14. Hello Burns,Laura/family...just back from two weeks in Atlanta and catching up on the news and delighted that yours is Very Good. I know that you are grateful to get back in some semblance of a routine that you can enjoy. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. earl

  15. suzycashwell@yahoo.comJuly 24, 2012 at 8:00 PM

    Burns - We were out of town, and Mary Jane called to tell me you were home! What great news. I'll tell you now that I asked our rector at Church of the Holy Family in Chapel Hill to ask for prayers (without giving out a lot of your personal information), and he asked our prayer team to pray during the time of your surgery. He is as happy as the rest of us that all those prayers, not just the ones in Chapel Hill, but those of friends and family around the world, have helped get you through this ordeal. We are all so thrilled that you're doing so well. I hope we'll get to meet again soon. Meanwhile, enjoy your hard-won good health and freedom, and have fun with Laura and your friends and family! Suzy

  16. Best news ever Burns! So happy for you and your family. Hope to see you soon.

    Chris Miller
