Sunday, July 8, 2012

DOT +90

Today, his recovery is moving along wonderfully. The nurses 'persuaded' him to get out of bed a few times to walk around to keep his blood circulating to prevent clots and to help speed along recovery! They said he did great, but it was obviously painful for him. He is more lucid today and can carry on brief conversations, but occasionally nods off in the middle (all due to the pain meds)! His pain is more managed and he is using his pump less! The surgeon stopped by and said they would change the dressing tomorrow morning. He is still on a clear liquid diet, but he has no appetite, thank goodness, so it's not a big deal!

And I saved the best for last:
White count- 9.2
Platelets- 122
Hemoglobin- 8.5

Not sure why the hemoglobin didn't jump up yet (wasn't here when the doctor came first thing this morning), but we will take two out of three!!!!!!!

This is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful news!


  1. suzycashwell@yahoo.comJuly 8, 2012 at 7:05 PM

    Laura, We haven't met, but I already know I'm going to love you. Mary Jane has been raving about you ever since she met you, and now I know why. You seem to know exactly how to soothe and encourage a sick husband, and how to tell his story as he recovers from an incredibly difficult lifelong illness, bone marrow transplant, and risky surgery. No wonder he adores you - you sound like the best wife he could possibly have (and we already knew he'd chosen the right parents and brother)! Someday you'll have to publish this blog, with maybe one of you writing/editing one chapter and the other doing the next one. It is such an amazing story of determination, love and skill - and I feel sure it's going to have a happy ending as well.

    Our prayers, admiration, and love are with you all as you continue down this complicated road.

  2. Burns and Laura-Great news for sure and I'm sure this is an answer to untold numbers of prayers sent up by all of your family and friends.

    Best wishes for continued smoooth recovery from surgey and good lab reports.

    God Bless you and Burns and your entire family,
    Bobby Foster

  3. I just read the entire blog from start to finish.....and I can barely believe what I have read. I worked with Burns for 4 years at Terminix and saw what roller coaster rides they experienced during that time.

    I have somewhat tried to stay in contact with various people from Terminix to see how he was doing.....and needless to say....I am so very hopeful for his 2nd transplant.

    The Blackwells are wonderful people, full of love for each other, and Derry & Hardin love their sons. I am touched to see that Burns found someone to love him unconditionally and be by his side through this ordeal.

    I will be praying for Burns and his recovery, and for 100% stem cell success! I also will be praying for his family as they too have been tirelessly by his side during this long journey. I was always amazed at the medical care Hardin and Derry were able to get for Burns....we would get calls in the office ALL the time from Dr. Buckley and another Dr. at NIH....and were instructed to get Hardin from whatever he was doing. Business never came before his sons.

    Now I am anxious to read the blog and follow his updates. I know you guys can not wait to return to Greensboro and begin a new life, disease free, together.

    Prayers, support and love--
    Gail Tindall
    (former Terminix accounting employee)
