Wednesday, July 25, 2012

DOT +107

Laura and I are loving being back at home!  We had an appointment yesterday at the clinic and all my labs were great.  My hemoglobin has made a good jump to 11.1, which is close to the highest it has been in 3 years.  All the other labs were good and I needed no other supplements.

My surgery is still recovering mostly with my stomach and having to eat small but frequent meals.  They are really trying to get me to eat good because of all the weight and nutrition I lost.  That will come with time and with the help of all the good restaurants in Greensboro!

We head back Friday for another clinic visit.  All the support has been wonderful!  Seeing people around town has been a real treat.  The amount of people that have followed this blog amazes both Laura and I, which has really helped us through all this.  The real end and a formal discharge back to Dr. Buckley is soon!



  1. HALLELUJAH!!Such great news and going home.
    G. Thompson

  2. Burns...with the loving care of your did it. Like taking that eight footer on the final hole to dropped it in. You said it right...God is good. Happy for you....earl
