Sunday, July 29, 2012

DOT +111

Friday we went to the clinic and had a great checkup. It was an exciting day because we were formally discharged from the daily clinic and now will be followed by Dr. Chao is his Monday clinic day! We don't have to go back until a week from tomorrow and then follow up visit will be determined at each visit. Both Laura and I were thrilled beyond words! The PA's and nurses were so excited for us and all said we still have to come back to the clinic for short social visits, which we will gladly do! (Dr. Chao's clinic is right next to the clinic)

Since we have some time off and they pulled my pic line, we headed east to the beach for some rest and relaxation. Don't know how long we will stay and it is nice to be able to make our own schedule and it not be dictated by clinic visits.

I am excited to get back to work and on a regular routine soon. I have been in the office some, but need to take it slow and ease back into everything. All the calls and well wishes have been great and we cannot thank everyone enough!


  1. Burns and Laura,

    Best news EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love, Ross

  2. Enjoy your beach time. We are still so excited and happy for you both. So many answered prayers.

    Love, Doug, Emily, Miller and Grady

  3. I'm smiling. (It's because I'm so happy for y'all)

  4. Thinking about you burns and hoping this week is going as well as last two have . It is fun to hear you talking about happy things . Love you . Blantons

  5. this is absolutely the greatest news. Your brother has given you a new life and God is good. Donna P
