Monday, April 30, 2012

DOT +20

The white blood count yesterday was 5.5, so they stopped the shots. Today it dropped to 2.5 without the shots, which we were pleased with. So the white count is doing just what we want and that is what is most important.

On the other hand, they are still puzzled by all my fevers. Pretty much the last 24 hours I have had a fever every 4-6 hours, when my Tylenol where's off. They all think it is the graft coming in but at the same time do not want to stop these strong antibiotics. When all your counts are already low, a 100.2 fever just wipes you out! So we have been begging for Tylenol and they have been good about giving us approval to take it. Problem is at 4 am you have to call the inpatient unit and get permission. So sleep is lacking a little...

They also talked today about doing two test that would let us know if their were donor cells in my blood. They said just take the first test as a baseline and do not get too excited about it.

My appetite is still extremely low. Between that and the fevers, I am not the most jolly person you have ever seen. But we are taking it day by day.


  1. U all are incredible! Hang in there. Remember God is good! Love to all

  2. I would have to agree with Anonymous!! God is good!
    We love you!

  3. You all are amazing...a true inspiration! hang in there!!!
    Jane and Ross
