Tuesday, June 5, 2012

DOT +56

We got there today and they had good news for Laura and I. Today was the last day of all iv antibiotics and antivirals. The hhv6 results are back and there were just traces left so they stopped the medicine. It should take a week or two for my counts to rebound from the damage the antiviral did to them.

Also, there is some news on the graft. They had a problem and only one of three test were ordered. Unfortunately, it was the one that was the least helpful but it was 96% donor! So they all think the other two can only be so bad if the other is 96% but they will not commit to saying we are in the clear. The others were drawn today and should take a week or so.

Since my counts were low, I did need another unit of blood today. Hopefully things will start to rise slowly now!


  1. Great news, Burns! We will keep praying. It is so nice to hear your encouraging news. Hope the good news continues!

    We love you!
    Emily, Doug, Miller and Grady

  2. This is very encouraging news, Burns. Hope and pray good news keeps coming your way! Keep us posted. Take care. Joan
