Thursday, June 7, 2012

DOT +58

Today was a good day. We had a record short trip to the clinic and then got to hang around the apartment. We got bored so Laura made a putt putt course around the house. Then I rode with Laura to the store. (I had to sit in the car while she was in there)

We grilled out again, which is a great sign that I felt like grilling out the last two nights. Otherwise, we are just relaxing. My counts were good enough to where I did not need anything today. But we are still waiting for them to start climbing. (at least they did not dive!)

Thanks for all your support!!


  1. Grilling out and putt-putt! Now, that's food for the soul!

    I'm so proud of you both! You're doing great! Keep hangin' in!

    Love, Ross (Harris)

  2. Burns and Laura- You two will drive Ripley crazy when you set up a putt-putt course in the house back in Greensboro. Ripley will want to move in full time with Harden and Derry just to get away from the craziness.

    Glad things are going well and I continue to pray for you every morning.

    God Bless,
    Bobby Foster
