Sunday, June 10, 2012

DOT +61

We are now past day 60 (round 2)! My counts are still hanging real low. WBC is .7 (needs to be above 3) and hemoglobin just cannot stay up long. I needed blood on Saturday and fluids today. For a few days I was feeling so much better, but my energy level has sunk back again some. Hopefully the counts will come in soon and my energy will return.

One thing that could be effecting my hemoglobin is the switch from my A+ blood type to my new B+ (johns blood type) blood type. That could be going on now but they are not sure. When they draw a type and screen, my blood type is still A+. Time will tell...

Otherwise we are good. We go in everyday now for the nupegeon shot to help my WBC and to check my levels. Wish I had better news but that will come soon!

Thanks for all everyone has done!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Burns!!! Thinking of you!!!!
