Wednesday, June 13, 2012

DOT +64

My WBC is still real low (.6 today), so we started to get a little worried. Then yesterday was pretty stressful because the new graft study came back and one line is still 96% but the other has dropped from 96% to 60%. That got us worked up because I do not want to lose this graft or see a start to a decline. We have worked too hard for all this!

We met with one of the PA's and she said they would discuss me during their division meeting today. And she assured a report from a doctor tomorrow. My doctor is in India teaching a group how to do these transplants.

We met with Dr. Long and he was very honest that something is wrong and they are not sure why. They did a test for the virus I just had to see if that has come back. Sounds weird but we hope that is it because there is a medicine for it.

Otherwise, they would need to do a bone marrow biopsy to see what is going on in the bone marrow. It could be a virus inside the bone marrow. (I don't know what they would do there) Or it could be possible the bone marrow does not have enough stem cells to keep up. Basically, their could not be enough factory workers in the factory so the output is low. This would take a boost of John's cells to fix.

So we don't know much now. These test take so long so it can be tough to wait. The virus test should be back Friday or monday. In the meantime, they have dropped some of my immunosurpressment drugs and increased the shots I get everyday hoping that will help.

I did get a call from my longtime doctor, Dr. Buckley yesterday. She was positive and thinks they can fix this. She wanted the immunosupressment drugs lowered. Just the call was wonderful as she still follows me everyday. (dad called her because he knew I was getting very worried) Not many people can say they have the healthcare I do! To have the full adult bone marrow group and then Dr. Buckley looking too. She is amazing.

So we wait again. And pray for some WBC's. I have a friend from college that has an infant getting a transplant in the pediatric department. As she says, grow cells grow!

Thanks for all the support!

1 comment:

  1. suzycashwell@yahoo.comJune 13, 2012 at 10:24 PM

    GROW CELLS GROW! Mary Jane had told me there was a new worry, and we are bummed to hear it, but are so glad Dr. Buckley and everyone else seem to be thinking positively. Wish we could do more than pray and send comments to your blog, but that's about it for the time being. Guess we'll just all have to pray harder and write more. Keep your sunny side up! Suzy
