Saturday, February 4, 2012

DOT +17

Today was a quite morning. My counts continued to drop today but they did not start the shots. They said they might give me one tomorrow for a boost of my WBC. It was 1.8 today, below the minimum of 2.0 they like. Not too much info except to continue to wait for the graft to come in and they gave us some more encouragement that there is still a lot to be done.

I did mention that my nose was a little stuffy a few points in the day and asked if i could use something. Well, what a reaction! Yes there is something BUT they gave me some nasal test and put me on contact isolation until the result are back for some form of virus. They mean business around here. So tomorrow we will be in a room and have to wear gowns, gloves and mask whenever we are outside our room. They really don't think it is anything but this is precaution. The results should be back Monday or Tuesday. At least we get a private room!

John came up for the night and we grilled some great steaks tonight! It's been good to see him and he gets to go see all the crew at the clinic tomorrow.

Not too much more to report. Hope all is well with everyone!

God is good!

PS. I think I have officially lost the battle with the hair. 90% gone. Will post some pics this week, looks pretty funny.

Test--------- Burns------- (Normal Range)
White Blood Count----1.8---(3.2-9.8)
Hemoglobin----8.7----(13.7 - 17.3) (they try and keep it above 8.0)
Platelet---- 40----(150-450) (they try and keep it above 10)

1 comment:

  1. I know this must be a challenge for you. You are ready to see positive results. Well, you're seeing them man! A brother who makes you his twin. Parents who would give you their very breath. A wife who sits down with you in the muddy trenches. And an Everlasting God. You got this!

    Remember, 'those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles...'.
