Friday, February 24, 2012

DOT +37 ...Some news with the graft

The results are in... Below is my best shot in explaining.  Some of this stuff can get pretty deep.  

There are two "lines" of stem cells.  Lymphoid and Myeloid stem cells.  They do the grafting study on both lines to see how much donor or host is in each.  The chart below shows the two lines and then what kind of cells they make.  So each line can have some donor and some host.  The Myeloid line makes the part that I have problems with, neutrophils.  

The test came back and there is 10% donor in the Lymphoid line and 0% donor in the Myeloid line.  Good news that there is some donor there!  But we were hoping for some donor in the Myeloid line where my defect is.  They were discussing doing another transplant if it came back with 0% in both lines, but with this 10% in one of the lines, there is something for them to work with.   

After the first test at day 12, there was 0% in both lines and now there is some in one, so we know things are improving, just very slow.  When we first heard 10% in only one line, we were really not sure what to think.  This proves that this is not a quick procedure and it requires extra long patience.  

There is no plan now but to just wait.  Dr. Chao is on a plane to China so they will be doing a lot of email this weekend and are hoping for a game plan early next week.   I spoke with Dr. Buckley this afternoon and she was encouraged and will be watching to see when the next line comes in and what they do to try and help that process.  

My labs are still low and I needed some magnesium today and might need some more blood this weekend.  Also, I think I am starting to retain fluids so they will need to keep an eye on that.  I am gaining some weight and one might think I might be having a baby soon!  haha.  My belly has grown but most of it has to be water weight because I am not eating that much.  (I am eating enough, just not that much to gain weight) 

Thanks for all the cards, thoughts, prayers and emails.  

God is good!

Test--------- Burns------- (Normal Range)
White Blood Count----2.8---(3.2-9.8)
Hemoglobin----8.4----(13.7 - 17.3) (they try and keep it above 8.0)
Platelet---- 49----(150-450) (they try and keep it above 10)


  1. You're doing great job of updating, Burns...keep it up, and I may even pay you that $20 I owe you! All the best to you and Laura. Talk soon, Rob (from the cell phone I told you I'd never own)

  2. You are SO strong and SO courageous! We know it must be difficult with all the waiting. We think of you often and pray for more miracles for you every day. You deserve it!

    Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24
