Saturday, February 11, 2012

DOT +24

Sorry for the lack of post lately. With all that has been going on, we now have another hurdle to jump. Laura has been having some abdominal pain so she went to the doc early this week and they did a ultrasound of her gallbladder and she now has to get that removed. The day surgery is scheduled for this Thursday in Greensboro. She should mostly recover in 4-5 days in Greensboro then hopefully be back to Durham. Again, not great timing but our wonderful parents are here to help as they have been from the beginning.

With me, headaches have been to focus lately. They have been hard to manage and the docs cannot seem to figure out what is causing them or a good solution for them. They are similar to migraines and dark quite places has been the best help for them. Today has been a good day with them!

My counts continue to stay the same or improve some. But we are not sure if the counts are from the graft or just old me, so it is hard to get excited. Last time we jumped the gun and thought the graft had come in but it had not. The next extensive test to see if the graft has come in will be day 30 and that will be a huge test to determine the success or failure of the transplant. So we are anxiously awaiting.

So the waiting game continues, both for me and Laura. This weekend we still go to the clinic but do not have to get labs done, which saves a ton of time! My counts have proven to be stable so all I do is switch out my man purse, which is 24 hour iv med, then head back to the apartment.

Thanks again for all the support!


Test--------- Burns------- (Normal Range)
White Blood Count---- 1.9---(3.2-9.8)
Hemoglobin---- 8.8----(13.7 - 17.3) (they try and keep it above 8.0)
Platelet---- 95----(150-450) (they try and keep it above 10)

1 comment:

  1. Laura,
    Our best to you with your gall bladder surgery. Timing doesn't seem to great but know you will be happy to get it over so you can feel better. You have been a wonderful wife and support for Burns and are so admired by all of us. Take care of yourself.
    happy to hear the headaches are better, hang in there.
    love Susan Dowtin
