Wednesday, February 15, 2012

DOT +28

The next 48 hours have a lot packed in them for the blackwell's. Laura heads in for her surgery at 5:30 am tomorrow and then Friday I get my bone biopsy. I'm confident Laura will be in good hands tomorrow in Gboro. Her leaving today was not fun for either of us!

Each week in the clinic, they do some test for virsus' that most people have in their body at very low levels but normal immune systems keeps them surpressed. When going thru a bone marrow transplant, they are know to surface and increase since the immune system is suppressed. One is CMV and I was positive for it this week, but just at or below the level they detect. So they are starting me on twice a day 2 hour iv infusions to treat for the virsus for 2 weeks then once a day for 2 additional weeks. The one bad side affect is that the virus can lower your white blood cell and stem cell count. So catching it early before the levels got high is a big thing because that could cause some problems with the stem cells grafting and producing white blood cells. This also could be an explanation to me having night sweats the last 3 or 4 nights. So we will meet with the home health care tomorrow to get all supplies to give the evening infusion at the apartment. Tonight's is done with a man purse that is running for 24 hours.

We were hoping to maybe start skipping some days at the clinic but that will not be the case for now. The medicine will be hard on my kidneys and deplete some electrolytes so I will be getting plenty of fluids and electrolyte supplements by iv with my medicine. But we are pros at this after the 2010 battle with my electrolytes.

I'm looking forward to hearing to good report of Laura's gallbladder removal tomorrow. Wish I could be there but I am sure she wishes the same for me.

All the cards, prayers and well wishes for both us have been amazing. It really helps keeping the spirits high!


1 comment:

  1. Burns - I saw your dad at the gym the other night, and told him I'd been following your progress on here and keeping you all in my prayers. It dawned on me I hadn't told you and Laura the same, so I just wanted to pass that along. I know these next two days have a lot in store, and I'll be thinking of and praying for you both. Your positive attitudes inspire us all, and we will keep our own good thoughts headed your way. All the best - Elizabeth Brantley
