Wednesday, February 1, 2012

DOT +14

While the labs didn't come back with outstanding leaps forward, they were stable, which we were very pleased with. The doctors seemed encouraged that his blood work stayed the same over the night and did not drop. This is definitely a step in the right direction!! He is still tired some during the day, but that is nothing a quick nap can't fix. With his hemoglobin being on the lower side, it is to be expected.

Today we had tons of visitors! My cousin Emily drove over from Apex this morning and I took her in the clinic and she got to experience wearing the masks- forgot to get a picture... whoops! We went to the cutest coffee shop- can't remember the name, it was on 9th street! Highly recommend it if I could remember the name! My parents stopped by this afternoon and brought some chicken to grill! Everybody loves when dinner is made easier, even if you are at home, in whatever city you live in! Burns' cousin, Britton, just came for a quick visit tonight before dinner because she was in Durham for the night! She got to see our apartment and put her peepers on Burns! Everybody was so nice to come visit!

Probably the best part of Burns' day, was that he found out he can get take out from restaurants now! In the beginning of the transplant, they gave us a book, which said absolutely no meat from outside the house, and how it has to be cooked at a specific temperature. So we have been following it perfectly. We talked to the dietitian today, and she says as long as we order it special (no sauce, or no cheese- just to prove that they made it right then and there and hasn't been sitting there waiting to be served) or no fresh vegetables (lettuce, tomatoes, etc.). After his apt. today we went straight to the Chick Fil A and he ordered the #1 combo, super sized, with a coke zero, and ate every last bite!!! He loved it! I have a feeling there will be a Wendys, Bojangles, or Biscuitville run in my future in the next few days :)

All in all, a great day in Durham!

Test--------- Burns------- (Normal Range)
White Blood Count---- 3.3---(3.2-9.8)
Hemoglobin---- 9.6----(13.7 - 17.3) (they try and keep it above 8.0)
Platelet---- 52----(150-450) (they try and keep it above 10)

1 comment:

  1. We are so happy to see how well you are progressing!! You all are an inspiration to us all!!! You don't realize how much you like take-out until it is forbidden!! Enjoy!!
    Jane and Ross
