Saturday, April 7, 2012

2nd DOT -3

Another good day with the 3 doses of chemo. They give you lots of steroids during it, so that helps you feel much better and control the side effects. One strange thing is that the hiccups are bad. Seem peanut butter and a prescribed medicine help those. (Laura taught me the spoonful of peanut butter and they go away quick)

My counts are still up but should start diving soon:

Test---------------- Burns------- (Normal Range)
White Blood Count---- 2.7----(3.2-9.8) (this will go to 0)
Hemoglobin----------- 9.2----(13.7 - 17.3) (they try and keep it above 8.0)
Platelet---------------56----(150-450) (they try and keep it above 10) C

John is doing good and is headed to Durham tomorrow so he can have two days of collections. The shots have set in and he can really feel them working. Each day it will get worse but he is doing good.

This second go around has a different feel. We know where to go and what is going to happen, for now. I think the nurses like our question count down from 1.4 million questions to only about 100. I wish we could say we don't know a lot about this stuff but we do. Practise makes perfect.

The apartment is much nicer now with our couch and chairs. Tomorrow is the last day of chemo and then total body irradiation on Monday which is scheduled for 4:30 and might take an hour or so.

One thing is we are ready! Our spirites are up and we have gotten in a good routine to make the best out of it.

Your support is a MAJOR part of keeping us going everyday! Thanks!


  1. Burns and Laura- Happy Easter. I'm looking forward to praying for you this morning in church.

    God Bless you and your entire family,
    Bobby Foster

  2. Happy Easter Burns and Laura!I am so glad to hear that you are feeling ok this time. I am sure it was hard being away from home for Easter but I bet having The Masters to watch helped! We are praying so hard for you both and hope for the very best this time.

    Love, Emily, Doug, Miller and Grady

    P.S. A spoon full of sugar also helps with the hiccups. I remember trying peanut butter AND sugar at Nana and Paw Paws. I probably did not even have the hiccups:-)
