Tuesday, April 24, 2012

DOT +13

Unfortunately the last 36 hours have not been 'smooth sailing.'  Yesterday Burns needed both blood and magnesium transfusions, which made for a long day in the clinic.  However when we got home, he took a turn for the worse.  He slept all afternoon, and when he came out around dinner, he started to run a fever. It slowly crept up to 100.5, which is the magic number to call the inpatient clinic.  With all that happened last week, they wanted us to come in for blood cultures to make sure nothing new was going on.  Thankfully they had us in and out in pretty quick.  BUT, his fever spiked up at 102.5 and was accompanied with severe chills.  Needless to say we were up most of the night.  Today, the fevers continued so they decided to check Burns back into the 'big house.'  They gave two explanations for the fevers.  One is that his picc line might be infected with what he still has from last week.  Another more positive reason, is that you can get fevers when the graft is coming in!!  So it's great that the graft is coming in, but bad that he feels so rotten!  They are hoping when his fevers die down he will be able to go home.  While there, we will bring him his biscuitville in the morning, and whatnot throughout the day! We will keep you posted.  Thanks for all the support!


  1. Praying for you both!! Hang in there! We love you! Tracy Hall - Terminix Service, Inc.

  2. Sorry you have hit a few speed bumps. However, speed turned out to not be a good thing last time so maybe this is the best path to the goal. Hope scenario number two is the reason and those grafts are working.
    Much Love and many prayers,
    Susan and Jimmy D

  3. Burns: Hang in there! I pray that the fever goes down.

    In Christ,
    Greg T.
