Saturday, April 14, 2012

DOT +4

We are 4 days post transplant and the roller coaster ride has started. At times, I am feeling pretty good and then things go south, but that is expected. Yesterday I had to get my third unit of blood and some magnesium because those counts were low. The magnesium really messed with me causing me to feel real hot and break out into terrible itching. So they stopped the mag before it could be finished. Good news was today all my levels were good and no supplements were needed!

My white count both yesterday and today was zero. Scary to have no immune system. They will start tomorrow the nupegeon shots to help jump start the stem cells to producing some white blood cells. We do not know how long that will take. The last transplant, my white count bounced back real fast, which was the problem because it was my own stem cells that started to produce white blood cells. This time we hope my cells have been damaged too much and Johns cells will be able to start producing white cells and multiplying slowly bringing in the new immune system.

I can definitely feel that they have really beat my immune system up this time. I have been very tired and just hanging around the apartment. Both Laura and I's parents came by today for a nice visit and Laura and I plan on having a quite couple of days. We will wash lots of hands and take many of meds.

Thanks for everyone reaching out to both Laura and I! It means the world!

God is good.

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