Saturday, April 28, 2012

DOT +18

The white count as started to really come in to 3.6! And the docs seem very happy about that because those cells can help fight and keep these infections away.

I am still running several fevers per day ranging from 100 to 101.5 and the docs think they are coming from the graft coming. But with such serious infections in my bloodstream last week, the docs are not stopping the meds yet because those fevers "could" be an infection. (although they think that is a longshot)

So the main thing we are waiting on now is for the fevers to go away and be able to drop the strong antibiotics. Due to all this, it has been very hard for me to eat. My appetite it basically zero and I have to make myself have a few bites of food. Hopefully soon that will come back because I love to eat!

With the white count coming in nice we are really excited! But since the last time, we are excited with caution. The next few weeks will be interesting watching the white blood count but not knowing the full details. But the best things come to those who wait! And we are praying that it's the best possible result!



  1. Burns, My favorite part of this report, except for the improving white count was your comment, "Livivg to eat"! I am so with you there, as is Morgan. We hope you feel like a big thick steak soon. In fact when you get back home I'll make Morgan grill you one and we'll buy the steaks .
    Hang in there.

  2. Spell check for last comment, should have read "I love to eat".

  3. Burns, how would you prefer to have your swan cooked? Medium well, I presume, since it is a game bird. Or wait, is it really "game" if there's a limit of one per year? I dunno, but you let me know how you want it prepared when you're ready to feast, and I'll make it happen. Keep the faith....Rob

  4. Hang in there, Burns! You're doing great!

    Much love to you both, Ross (Harris)

  5. Go Burns Go!!! We love you and cannot wait to hear more!!!!!!

    Mary & Mark Rainosek
