Thursday, April 26, 2012

DOT +16

Well, I have been in the "big house" the last few nights for the continuing fevers. After the last hospital stay, they pulled my original line (big iv) and waited 2 days and then put another in. On Tuesday they ended up pulling that line also because we felt it was getting infected also.

The infection that I got is a really nasty one and is hard to get rid of. They have me on daily meds and more pills than I want to talk about. So this time they discharged me without any line and I will go to the clinic and get a regular iv everyday for my meds. (oh joy for all those needle sticks!) The infections love to live in these central lines and can really grow in them.

Infections are a big part of a bone marrow transplant risk, so that's why they are taking this so serious. Especially during the time right now when I barely have any white blood cells. Sometimes we get so focused on the infection we forget to ask about the graft.

On a better note, my white blood count is up to 0.6 now and moving slowly! Slow is good from what they are telling me. I need those good white cells to help fight this infection. They will wait for a graft study to really see who's cells they are.

Otherwise we are good. I now have NO hair. The nurse in the hospital took a razor to it because it started to fall out like crazy and it was gross. It really is not that big of a deal since I have had a buzz cut for so long.

Thanks for all the prayers, text, calls, cards, and thoughts! This one is definitely harder, but the prize at the end will be even bigger!!


  1. Hang in there, Burns. We are praying for you daily and we continue to be amazed by your strength throughout this and all that you have been through. We love you!
    Emily, Doug, Miller and Grady

  2. Hey Burns...Didn't know about all you have been through...Hang in there..You can do it!!!!!!Glad you have found be by your side...makes a big difference.Take care both of you!!!I will continue to check on you..keep you and Laura in my prayers!!!!
    Susan Way Dickerson

  3. Hello Burns/Laura....You both are brave warriors. Keep beleiving that there is light at the end of the tunnel, never lose hope, never give up. Know that you and the whole family are in our thoughts and our prayers. You will overcome....earl

  4. Thinking of you both with much love and many prayers!
    Trish Parker
