Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day of Transplant #2

First off, we found out that they collected 5.6 million stem cells from John yesterday- HUGE! That is miraculous! (We have to give Eliza credit for giving him his shots!). John was such a trooper both yesterday and today. He is the true embodiment of a perfect brother, one who would literally do ANYTHING to help his brother out. As soon as we found out that we had to do a second transplant, John immediately and willingly agreed to be the donor, knowing what he would have to go through. He is giving Burns such an amazing gift- the chance for a better, healthier life- something that no one else can give; all I can say is, what a remarkable brother, and person!

Burns handled radiation wonderfully yesterday! He was a bit nervous, having never experienced it, but as with everything else he faces, tackled it head on. Luckily he didn't have any of the nausea that they said some people experience, but he is a little tired today, but that is probably an accumulation of all the chemo and stress of the entire experience. Burns has been so strong this whole week, and the weeks leading up to this. He has kept his normal positive attitude, even when times would get tough. I can not fathom staying positive, after what he has been through his whole life, but yet he does. He has an amazing inner strength that keeps him going, which I have always admired so much.

We finished the first transplant around 4:00 today. It took about 1 1/2 hrs. Burns joked that the actual transplant is the easy part! It goes by faster than a blood transfusion!! Our emotions were all over the place today. Honestly, there were tears shed. Some of anxiety, and frustration of having to go through this again. But mostly, there were tears of hope. Hope of Burns not having reactions. Hope of Burns not catching viruses. However most of all, hope of the graft working- and it will this time.
Burns and I thank you all so much for the continued support. All of the messages mean the world to us!


  1. We are keeping Burns and John Burns in our prayers everyday. Thank you for sharing details of this journey so openly - its a great testament to your faith.

    Michael Mohr
    Wilmington Trust - Atlanta

  2. All of you have been in my thoughts and prayers all day.....what a team effort but then again....what a family. No one deserves this graft to take more than Burns........marie

  3. Laura I feel sometimes it can be as hard to be the caretaker as it is to be the patient. You are such a blessing to Burns. Our thoughts and prayers are with you too.
    Love, Susan Dowtin
