Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dot -1 day of johns collection

Hi eliza here... There are some moments in life that you know will never leave you. This is one of those moments. I sit here next to John while the blood flows from one arm through the machine that is pulling out the stemcells and platelets separately and then putting the blood back into his other arm. This is the process called "apheresis" and it's going to take about 6 hrs today to provide the necessary stemcell amounts burns will need to start the transplant process tomorrow. We know now that this will be a two day process. John will have to get another neupogen shot this afternoon and tomorrow morning before he begins the apheresis process again.  This is not as easy as it sounds.  Getting the blood to flow can be tricky and the whole process makes you weak and very tired. John is being a trooper though and getting lots of good drugs. Widespread Panic has never sounded so good! Burns is doing well today too and is getting his last bag of cempath today. It is just amazing to us all how well burns is fairing considering 4+ days of chemo! Superman has nothing on him but we already knew that. Don't get me wrong this process has not been without some drama and tears but it's journey that I am thrilled to be a part of. Its truly like a movie- and we will indeed have our happy ending! After tomorrow burns will now have a b+ blood type. The same as johns. I love too that it's "be positive" - it describes both the Blackwell boys to a t! Thanks as always for the prayers, notes and kind deeds done by all involved...you have all been as much a part of this process as I have. Blessings to you all from the whole Blackwell clan! Until tommorrow...


  1. Wow. We has no idea this was happening. Heroes indeed -- all of you. Know that you are being prayed for unceasingly
    Margaret Ann Hall

  2. Amazing story, Burns and family. Our prayers are with you and your family. Hugh and Sally Jones

  3. We are praying for you! I had no idea this was going on until someone told me in my exercise class this morning. This is so incredible! What a special family, all of our best to you, John and Burns.


    Katharine Kirkpatrick

  4. You guys are incredibly inspirational! It is so amazing to read this blog every day as you show us how it's done. You guys have already won the fight. You've cowboy'd up, put on your s--t kicking boots and started taking names. There are new sheriffs in town, all that's left to do is show up for the badge. You have SO got this!

    Petitioning heaven and claiming promises on your behalf!

  5. I am not sure who posted this but you made our day! Was a good distraction and chuckle from the stress and seriousness off what's happening. Thanks to you. Mount gay and soda is waiting for you when you fess up! -Eliza

  6. This was truly my devotion this morning! Our prayers are for all of the Blackwell family! Thanks for your blogs! Linda Goforth
