Sunday, January 15, 2012

DOT -3 (cont.)

It's John posting from Burns' IPad. Not a bad day but a very interesting day. While Burns was doing great with his chemo, out of the blue I had a reaction to my 1:45 neupogen shot. It's hard to explain the feeling, sort of like my body is in major overdrive. A heavy dose of Vicodin helped after about an hour and we are back at "home". I think it scared my parents and I thank both of them for being there this afternoon. Most importantly Burns did really well! His WBC count is down to 2.3 and the nurses are very pleased with his progress. He's definitely tired and the meds are helping with his nausea. Laura's Mom came over today and it was good seeing her. We are all pretty whipped so it will be a short evening for this crew. We knew things were going to get tougher but it's going to have to hit us harder than that to knock us down. I'm leaning on Burns and Laura's strength and they have plenty to go around. Thx again for all the good vibes you guys are sending us. We are getting close.

Eliza is coming up tomorrow. Can't wait to see you babe.



  1. You know I come a prepared so get ready to eat, sleep and be taken care of! Miss u all! See u in te morning!!

  2. Burns,Laura and John - Thanks so much for taking time to "post" on your blog -Love it - We are praying for you everyday! Take care of each other! Glad Eliza will be joining you in the AM -
    Love you all! - Jane

  3. Thinking about you guys. Brighter days are ahead!! Thomas Parker

  4. Thinking of you both. Keeping the faith this will go smoothly for you guys and a future full of good health -Ned Vinson

  5. Burns and John-We are praying for you and hoping for a wonderful outcome! Marsh Rogers
