Friday, January 27, 2012


After kind of a rough night, we gladly welcomed tons of visitors today. John and Eliza were here when we woke up and even better, came with groceries!! They went to the UNC game last night and stayed the night to come see us. We loved visiting with them today- we're hoping since John's old cells saw him, they will be put in over-drive and work extra fast. Derry's sister Anne stopped by for a bit and got to see the clinic and our apartment. (thanks for the hat and earrings!!)

Burns is still in some pain, so we are trying to taking the pain med religiously, but in return, it is making him rather loopy. His balance and memory are a little off, but his positive attitude remains strong. All along his hemoglobin and platelets have been in a safe range. Every few days he has had to get either magnesium or fluid because his kidney levels were high. However, today we have good news to report- his white blood cell count was 1.0. While we immediately were super excited, the doctors told us to be "cautiously excited" because sometimes the numbers can fluctuate for a few days. However, if the count is 1.0 or higher tomorrow, then we are supposed to THROW A PARTY!!!!! So, keep your fingers crossed and pray that we get a good report tomorrow.

One of Burns' best friends since he can remember gets here tonight, and is staying the weekend! I'm sure we will have some more interesting posts once Austin and Burns get together!

Test--------- Burns------- (Normal Range)
White Blood Count---- 1.0----(3.2-9.8) (this will go to 0)
Hemoglobin---- 10.3----(13.7 - 17.3) (they try and keep it above 8.0)
Platelet---- 50----(150-450) (they try and keep it above 10)


  1. So great seeing you all today. Even though you were not feeling great so awesome to see that 1.0 white blood count! It was amazing to see the brothers together again today. Laura you are a rock star and a star in heaven has your name on it. Thanks for all you do. Here's to continued good reports, on going prayers and friends that write or visit in the next 30 days! Love y'all!
    Eliza and John

  2. I am so happy and glad to see the progress....God is good. You have a multitude of people praying for you. We all wish you all the best and complete healing and comfort of our love and His love all around you. Thank you for sharing your struggles and faith for healing. We are better and blessed for it.


    Charlotte Yow

  3. Burns, you are looking more like the Peelers and Elmores everyday!!Love it!!! Sorry, Hardin and Derry! :)
