Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's time for Mom to post...

Dear Family and Friends,
All the Blackwell family feels so overwhelmed and blessed with what has happened over the past few weeks. We could not imagine going through this without the amazing support of our very dear family and friends. Having this “blog” has helped all of us, especially Burns, John, Laura and Eliza - it has also freed up my emailing and texting time!!
Let me count our BLESSINGS … that BURNS was healthy enough to go through this transplant process and that Dr. Buckley made it happen so quickly … that JOHN was a PERFECT match and so proud to give this wonderful gift to his brother … that our wonderful LAURA is always there to give such loving support to Burns, happily looking after his every need … that ELIZA was with us and by John’s side for the two days of collecting stem cells … that HARDEN “MY ROCK” who has and will always be there for all of us and has seen us all through many difficult times and has also made sure that we have had just as many FUN times and LAUGHS together. We pray daily for all the doctors and nurses at ABMT at Duke. xo Derry

John received this quote as he was about to enter this process …
“Help your brother’s boat across and your own will reach the shore” Amen!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Derry: Amelia gave me your address. I send love to all of you - we went thru this in Seattle with my daughter Lou the recipient and her sister Carrington, the donor, 21 yrs. ago. Lou is doing well and works at National Cancer Institute in Wash,D.c. I understand what your family is going through and a lot of what your son has had to endure. I trust he will improve each day and know he is under excellelnt care. All of you are in our prayers. Love, Margot
