Saturday, January 14, 2012

DOT -4

We are back at the apartment and today went well. (let's keep our fingers crossed it continues that way). No reaction to any of the meds today! They are great about giving me preventitive meds. They said some chills could be expected tonight.

My appetite is good but I am being very cautions. (Only want to enjoy everything one time, haha.) Laura, John, and I are here watching football then grilled some burgers (well done that is). I can tell now all the meds are starting to work. My strength has dropped a good bit from last night.

A few more days of chemo then the big day comes! John seems to doing well with some bone pain soon after the shots and then it goes away some.

This whole process is just amazing to see. It blows my mind everything I think that I will soon have johns immune system! God is Good!

Thanks for all the well wishs and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Go Burns. I recall a lemon shark that you and I were close to back in the day.and all I recall is your words,"ha shark I've been through a lot, your not getting me!". Your the man. FCB
